Valle ski school - how to get ready
Welcome, how nice that you have found your way here! You are important for your child to experience the ski slope as a safe and good environment to stay and develop in. We want to give you some tips on how you can help to create joy and skiing pleasure for your child on the slopes.
Checklist for Valle's ski school
1. Make sure your child has gone to the toilet.
This way we can avoid unnecessary interruptions.
2. Make sure your child has eaten properly.
This will keep their energy levels high throughout the session.
3. make sure your child has clothes according to the weather.
Warm socks and mittens will keep their spirits up. We will be outside for the whole session.
4. Make sure your child has suitable ski boots.
It is important to have the best possible conditions for learning.
5. Arrive 5 minutes early to class.
This will give you a chance to get to know the ski instructor a little.
6. watch, but stay out of the way.
This will allow the child to focus fully on the lesson.
7. arrive 5 minutes early at the end of the lesson.
Listen to the summary and talk to the ski instructor.
8. practice makes perfect.
It is important to practise what we learn in ski school even outside of class time.
9. Take it easy!
Steeper and longer does not automatically mean better. You learn more by taking it at your own pace and skiing on slopes you know.
Does your child need to change group/level?
Contact the ski teacher directly if you notice that your child needs to change group or level and we will try to solve it as quickly as we can, subject to availability.