Apply for a stay

Families with a family member (child or adult) affected by cancer or who has died of cancer can come to Stefans stuga (Stefan's Cottage) for a mountain holiday.

Every week throughout the year, the Foundation offers two families a free weekly stay in Stefans stuga.

Who can apply?

Families who do not have the financial resources for such a holiday and who have a family member with cancer (child or adult) can apply for a holiday within 24 months of the diagnosis. Relatives of a person who has died of cancer are also welcome to apply within 12 months of the death.

Applicant families must be resident and registered in the Southern Healthcare Region, i.e. in Skåne, Blekinge, Kronoberg and southern Halland (Halmstad, Hylte and Laholm).

The Regional Cancer Centre South (RCC Syd) is responsible for ensuring that information reaches families who may be eligible for a stay in Stefan's cottage, and for handling and assessing applications.

Read more and apply at >>