We take care of our mountains

One of our priority goals is to take into account and promote biodiversity in all our development projects. We are already protecting the natural mountain environment in a number of different ways.

Start Consideration of biodiversity in all projects

We operate in areas that are classified as Natura 2000, which places higher demands on us as a company. Taking account of biodiversity and protecting the mountain environment is therefore one of our priority areas.

Our goal in each project is to evaluate whether we can avoid impact, minimise impact, restore or compensate for impact (the so-called consideration hierarchy).

We build to get our guests to the right places and for our guests to use the trails, paths and excellent slopes so as not to wear out the entire mountain. (You can read more about how we think about construction in our FAQ.) We restore nature, pick up rubbish and recycle. We also support local bee farms in Åre.

What's hidden in the snow...

32,469 bits of rubbish, of which 11,864 were plastic, 8,233 snuff pieces and 5,236 cigarette butts, corresponding to six tonnes of rubbish, were last collected on our annual rubbish collection day.

Rubbish Pick-Up Day falls every spring after the end of the ski season at all our destinations. That’s when all our employees go out and pick up rubbish in and around the ski area to help clean up after the winter. We call it Håll Fjället Rent (Keep the Mountain Clean). 

Håll Fjället Rent is a collaboration with Håll Sverige Rent and Hold Norge Rent, where we highlight, inform and reduce the rubbish that our mountain resorts and nature unfortunately are exposed to.


By recycling, we reduce climate emissions and save both materials and energy.

Increased recycling in Sälen

In Lindvallen, Sälen, we have established six new recycling stations in 2023, known as Sort more. There you can recycle plastic, paper packaging, recycled paper, residual waste, metal, uncoloured glass, coloured glass, food waste and deposits. The stations are partly buried, which means that more waste ends up in the bin than outside, which in turn creates a more pleasant environment around the stations.

In 2024, another seven Sort more stations will be placed in Tandådalen-Hundfjället. With the existing stations, by summer 2024 there will be a total of 15 recycling stations (operated by SkiStar) in operation in Sälen.

You can find your nearest recycling centre here >>

Recycling bags

We’ve provided our guests with recycling bags to make it easier for them to recycle and sort their waste during their stay with us. The recycling bag is located in your lodging or can be collected at selected check-in stations. 

The recycling bag has a QR code on it. Simply scan it with your mobile phone to find the nearest recycling station.

Trail allowance from Tjejmilen Sälen

As part of our efforts to hold sustainable events in the mountains, SEK 10 per participant in Tjejmilen Sälen by EQPE 2023 goes towards a trail allowance. Tjejmilen Sälen has contributed over SEK 20,000 to Destination Sälenfjällen. All the money will go towards renovating and developing the mountain trails, a job that will both protect the mountain environment and make it more accessible. 
Tjejmilen Sälen by EQPE is organised in partnership with Marathongruppen. The idea behind Tjejmilen Sälen is to inspire the joy of exercise by hosting a challenge in a magnificent and inspiring mountain environment. 

Behboud's amazing bees

Rabarbergården in Undersåker is a small farm 10 minutes from Åre. The farm comprises several different companies and activities, such as mountain grazing sheep, vegetable farms and, not least, Behboud's amazing bees.

Behboud is a professional beekeeper from Iran. There he had 250 hives full of bees that pollinated his plantations with figs, peaches and colourful flowers. In Åredalen, raspberries, blueberries and cloudberries are some of the bees' favourites.

We at SkiStar are helping to support Behboud’s bees at Rabarberggården in Undersåker and together we are making the mountain in Åredalen a more beautiful and lively place.

Did you know that... We are restoring the natural mountain environment on the downhill slope in Åre. Read more about this below questions and answers in our FAQ.

Our way to the 2030 target

When travelling to your mountain holiday

Together we can make a difference


Purchasing and suppliers

We demand climate targets



For a quieter mountain environment


Renewable fuels

Reducing our emissions


Renewable energy

Sun, wind and water


Biological diversity

We protect the mountain environment
