Cross country cycling in Vemdalen
Cross country cycling (XC) is a form of mountain biking performed on trails consisting of gravel roads and natural trails. Cross country emphasises endurance over technical skill.
Vemdalen offers you some wonderful cycling on fine gravel roads, forest roads and trails of varying difficulty levels and characters. For those who want to try lift access trail biking, there are two trails that you can easily reach with the Skalet Express.
Cross-country trails in Vemdalen
See maps of the cross country trails at vemdalen.se
Lövås Vemdalen village (green) 1 km
Type of bike: MTB
Surface: Paved bike path
Character: Simple and family-friendly
Description: The cycle path at Lövåsgården in Vemdalen village on Skomakargatan 1 is built by Vemdalens IF. The bike path is about 1 km long with different techniques for all ages so that the whole family can ride together. You ride over bridges and jumps, as well as through a tunnel, and then you take sharp turns and can challenge yourself over dirt jumps if you wish.
Åsarna MTB (red) 30 km
Type of bike: MTB
Surface: Gravel road, forest road and illuminated tracks as well as some great trail biking
Character: Advanced both uphill and downhill
Description: The red trail is most easily started at Åsarna and extends 30 km around the village of Åsarna. The trail offers varied terrain on gravel roads, forest roads and illuminated trails as well as fine trail cycling. Cycling is advanced both uphill and downhill. The easiest place to start the trail is at Åsarnas Skidstadion.
Kvarnsjö-Bjartan MTB (blue) 45 km
Type of bike: MTB
Character: Advanced both uphill and downhill
Description: About 3 km above Klövsjö village towards Åsarna is the blue trail Kvarnsjö-Bjartan. Either you park in Klövsjö village and take the bike up to the start of the trail (steep slope up to the summit of Klövsjöberget) or you park on a gravel road close to the trail. The tour is marked with blue/white signs at each intersection at regular intervals and maps are posted at strategic points to show where you are on the course. Cycling is advanced both uphill and downhill. This trail can also be reduced to a shorter round where the trail meets the map.
Ströms (blue) 3.5 km
Type of bike: MTB
Description: A bike ride in a cabin area (Ströms) with a substantial slope. This is a cycling tour for the energetic and the tour takes place in the valley between Hovde and Varggranshogna. From Skalets torg you go across the large parking lot and into Gamla landsvägen about 1 km, where you turn right into Karl Xl:s väg. You follow it and then turn right onto till Ströms väg. When you reach Susanne's road, turn right. When you come back on Ströms väg, turn right. Almost immediately turn left onto Karl Xl’s väg and back to Skalets torg.
Varggranstjärnen (red) 8 km
Type of bike: MTB
Description: Head up to Varggranstjärnen at 905 metres above sea level and enjoy the view of Hovdetoppen and Högfjället. It's a great ride that challenges your leg muscles. From Skalets torg, go across the large parking lot and onto Gamla landsvägen for about 1 km, before turning right onto Karl XI:s väg. Follow it to Ströms väg where you turn right. You will then come back to Karl XI's road, where you turn right and follow it up to the turning point. There the road to Varggranstjärnen goes up to the left, a steep climb of over 100 metres. Once at the summit, you can enjoy a meal at the Varggransstugan restaurant, fish in the lake (fishing license required) or just enjoy the view. You take the same route back.
Klövsjötoppen (green) 7.5 km
Type of bike: MTB
Character: Single track
Description: Follow the Storhogna cross-country trail up to Klövsjötoppen and enjoy the wonderful view of beautiful Klövsjö village. A nice single track route on the existing ski trail. Here you start at the caravan park in Storhogna. Cycle to the track centre and follow the cross-country track in the direction of travel (to the right at the track centre). Then follow the cross-country trail upwards, when you have passed the lift street a second time, keep right and continue in the direction of travel to Klövsjötoppen and then you are at the top of Klövsjö's ski slopes with a brilliant view of Klövsjö village. You can continue the cross-country trail once you are at the summit and thus come around and back on the same cross-country trail you went up on. Go straight ahead at the junction and take the same route back to Storhogna.
Klövsjö city tour (green) 10 km
Type of bike: MTB
Surface: Asphalt, forest road and gravel road
Character: Child-Friendly Cycling Path in Scenic Environment
Description: The tour starts at Klövsjö Stenugnsbageri and you cycle along road 316 towards Vemdalen. After about 1.5 km, turn right towards Klövsjö's ski area and follow the gravel road for about 3 km in the direction of Fettjeåfallet. At the power line street and Karl XI:s väg, turn right on the forest road back towards Klövsjö. Follow the gravel road that turns into Sågvägen, past Backstabränna back to the village. Turn right where the road splits and then left onto Byvägen which is paved and goes past the homestead "Tomtan" dating back to the 17th century. Then follow Byvägen and turn right at Bygdegårdsvägen. At the junction, turn right onto road 316 past ICA and back towards Klövsjö Stenugnsbageri.
Gamla landsvägen (green) 10 km
Type of bike: MTB
Surface: Light cycling base, partly country road
Description: Start at Skalets torg and cycle across the large parking lot to Gamla Landsvägen and turn right. After Vargens Värdshus, turn right onto Liftstigen and keep right until you reach Renstigen. Turn left and follow the road for about 250 meters and then turn left. When you reach Gamla Landsvägen, turn right and follow it until you reach Vargstigen. Turn up on Vargstigen and turn left onto Stockåvägen which you follow until you come out on Gamla Landsvägen again where you turn right. Follow the road until you reach road 315 where you turn left towards Vemdalsskalet, follow road 316 to Vemdalsskalet or take the old road back.
Assemyrvallen – Klövsjö (green) 18 km
Type of bike: MTB
Surface: Gravel roads
Character: The beginning is tough with a big uphill, after that it's an easy ride.
Description: Start at Klövsjö Stenugnsbageri, turn left onto the highway, up past ICA and then take the second road to the left. Turn immediately right onto Bergbacken (Karl XI:s väg) and then continue the long uphill slope until it ends and you come out on the highway again. Turn left onto the highway and continue uphill. After 700 meters, turn right at the sign for Assemyrvallen. Continue on the gravel road for 3.7 km until the road splits and turn right. After another 3.5 km at the junction, turn right. After about 9 km you are back at the highway in Klövsjö. Turn left on 316 and you will come to Klövsjö Stenugnsbageri again.
Vemdalen city tour (green) 6 km
Type of bike: MTB
Surface: Gravel roads
Character: The beginning is tough with a big uphill, after that it's an easy ride.
Description: Experience Vemdalen village from the bicycle saddle. Here you can see many of our fine old buildings, such as the Vemdalen homestead. Start at GT-gården and cycle left onto Centrumgatan, turn left after the church towards Björnrike. After crossing the bridge over Veman, turn left onto Karl XI's road. Then follow Norrmalmsgatan to Bastugatan, where you turn left onto road 315 again. Turn right onto road 315 and then left onto Lövåsgatan. Turn left on Österlånggatan until you reach Åsgatan. Turn right and then left on Västerlånggatan. Follow it until you reach road 315 where you turn left. After about 300 metres, turn left onto Österlånggatan. At Storgårdsgatan you turn right and come back to road 315. Turn left again and you will come back to the GT farm.
Cycle your way towards the best summer mountain experiences in Vemdalen. You’ll find everything from winding trails to gravel roads just waiting to be explored.

Climbing Park in Vemdalen
Bring your friends or family to Vemdalsskalet for a fun adventure among the tree tops. The climbing park offers a combination of high-rope courses, ziplines, play and adventure.

Mountain hikes and hiking trails for hiking in Vemdalen
Vemdalen offers spectacular mountain hiking. Here you'll find easily accessible hiking trails, great barbecue areas, beautiful views and plenty of adventures. Can you find the five waterfalls? Take your children on a hike in Vemdalen and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Golf in Vemdalen
Vemdalen boasts two fine golf courses in beautiful mountain surroundings. The golf courses in Klövsjö and Hede offer unbeatable golf experiences for beginners and experienced golfers alike.

Fishing is a long-standing tradition in Vemdalen, where there are mountain lakes, rivers and streams to try your luck.

Padel is the perfect holiday activity – sociable, easy to learn and for any age, regardless of whether you've tried it before or not. Having said that, you can obviously play padel during your holiday in Vemdalen.