Here you will find opening hours and directions to all our SkiStar shops.
The reception in Velkomstsenter Turistsenteret offers support/sale of Ski-, Bike- and TrailPass, key pick up in Check-in 55.
The reception in the Velkomstsenter Høyfjellssenteret has support/sale of Ski-, Bike- and TrailPass, key delivery in Check-in 57 for Fageråsen Hytteområde (cabin area), Fageråsen Panorama and Høyfjellssenteret.
Sells Valle products, ski passes, Trysil promotional clothing, hats, gloves and goggles. Also acts as reception for ski maintenance.
Reception for SkiStar Guides at Turistsenteret and sale of SkiPass, Valle products, gloves, googles and socks.
Reception for SkiStar Guides at Høyfjellssenteret and sale of SkiPass.
Rental of alpine equipment, snowboards, telemarks and cross-country skis. SkiPasses can also be purchased here.
Pick up station for those who have pre-booked ski rental at the Turistsenteret.
Rental of alpine equipment, snowboards, telemarks and cross-country skis. SkiPasses can be purchased here, and ski service.
SkiPass sales and rental of alpine equipment, snowboards, telemarks and cross-country skis. You can also book ski school here. Located by the SkiStar Lodge Trysil at Høyfjellssenteret.
Do you need new ski equipment, or some new warm clothes? Welcome to the Sport Lodge'n department Radisson Blu at the Turistsenteret.
Sports shop located in the pedestrian street at Høyfjellssenteret. Welcome!
The sports shop is located next to the reception at SkiStar Lodge Trysil in Fageråsen. Welcome!