Children's activities with Valle in Sälen
Almost every day you'll find children's activities with Valle in various places in the Sälen ski areas. Dance and sing along to Valle's show or take a few turns on the slopes together with Valle.
Sälen - Valle program
Here you can see and read more about all of Valle's activities during the season.
Sälen - Valle's babysitting
We offer babysitting with fun and games so that you can hit the slopes on your own for a while.
Valle’s Ski School
Valle the snowman and the ski instructors teaches kids aged 3 to 9 to be safe and confident skiers.
Magic Mountain in Sälen
Bring the whole family for a magical evening of skiing and a spectacular light show on Valleberget in Lindvallen in weeks 51-9.
New! Valle's Troll Tales in the Troll Forest
Let the whole family be captivated by brand new, exciting and fun stories from the world of trolls while walking in the troll forest.