Get to know Kristin Kaspersen
The common denominator across all of my projects is the desire to find beneficial, simple solutions that I can apply to my everyday and to think about health holistically. I want to put energy into the right things. I am curious, and I love to be inspired and to inspire.
I love variety. Even if running, yoga and strength training are my basis, I love to try out new kinds of workouts. I love variety because, for me, life is varied. Different stages of life lend themselves to different styles of exercise. For me at least. Strength training is an important basis for me in order to prevent injury. Yoga and running are wonderful complements to strength training. I’ve even started using the “Megaformer” for extra core training. It’s so much fun! I don’t do everything at the same time, but in general, I love to vary how I work out.
- Kristin Kaspersen