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Health and safety

Study the evacuation plan on the front door upon arrival so that you know where the nearest emergency exit is.

In case of fire


The hotel has an automatic fire alarm installed on three levels.

  1. The five-minute alarm sounds when an individual fire detector is triggered. The alarm goes to the reception. ​ If you have accidentally triggered a fire detector, please contact reception: 62459000.
  2. If multiple fire detectors are triggered, the alarm goes immediately to the fire service. Sirens will only be heard in the section of the hotel where the alarm goes off.
  3. In case of a total alarm at the hotel, the alarm goes directly to the emergency services. Sirens will be heard throughout the building.

Rescue: Rescue people in acute danger. Protect yourself.
Turn off: Extinguish the fire without risking life.
Evacuation: Always evacuate when you hear an alarm and wait for information from hotel staff or emergency services. There are 2 fire assembly points, one at the roundabout at the main entrance and one at P2 and these are marked “assembly point”.

​Things to think about

  • Do not use real candles and turn off devices that can cause fire.
  • Always keep the door to the corridor closed - corridors are escape routes and should always be kept clear of prams, sleighs, etc.
  • ​Smoking is not allowed around the building or on the balcony/terrace.
  • All exits are closed. Use your door key to unlock them.

​Doctor and pharmacy

In case of acute illness, call: 113
24-hour health care, call: 116117

On-call doctor Trysil

The Trysil on-call medical centre is located in central Trysil and is open 24 hours a day. 


Trysil doctors’ surgery

You can find the Trysil doctors’ surgery in Trysil city centre. 


Tel: (+47) 62457850

Ski patrol Trysil

In case of accidents on the ski slopes, contact the ski patrol. 

Tel: (+47) 99280084


Apotek 1, Trysilsenteret, Storvegen 2, 2420 Trysil 



Information about grocery stores and other services can be found here »