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Relaxation and training

SkiStar Lodge Hundfjället is all about keeping life simple and chilled - here everything is under one roof so that you get the most time for what you came here for - quality time together.

The hotel has a SkiStarshop perfectly located inside on your way out to the slopes. Here you can both rent equipment and shop for essentials for a successful days on the slopes.

The hotel also has a playroom that is open for free play every day during the winter season. Valle's babysitting, which was previously located in the playroom, has moved back to Hundfjällstorget as of winter 2024/25. 


Frost Pool & Sauna

After a day on the slopes, Frost Pool & Sauna is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Enjoy body and massage treatments, exciting sauna experiences and our pools both inside and out. Booked treatments include admission to the pool and sauna and the loan of a robe and slippers.

Frost Pool & Sauna

Gym and training

Start your stay with a great workout at SkiStar Lodge Hundfjellet’s well-equipped gym.

Gym and training

SkiStarshop SkiStar Lodge Hundfjället

You'll find SkiStarshop in SkiStar Lodge Hundfjället, right next to the lifts West og East Express.

Today 08:30 - 18:15
Opening hours:
08:30 - 18:15
08:30 - 18:15
08:30 - 18:15
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 19:00
08:30 - 18:15
08:30 - 18:15
Ski school