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Check-in and check-out at SkiStar's destinations

Information about where and when to check in can be found on My page under My bookings. The day before arrival you will also receive an SMS and an e-mail indicating where, when and how to check in.


For the 2020-2021 season, we will be launching digital check-in & check-out with key boxes in approx. 70% of the lodging, so that you can collect and leave keys safely and easily. We also have mobile locks in an additional 10% of the lodging, so that you can go directly to the flat and open the door with your mobile and the SkiStar app. 

When using digital check-in you will also receive an SMS if your lodging has been cleaned and is ready before the scheduled check-in time.

If you need to contact us in connection with check-in, call:

Sälen, Åre, Vemdalen +46 771 84 00 00
Trysil, Hemsedal +47 624 500 00