At least one person in the party must be 18 years or older to stay in the accommodation. Identification is required on arrival. The age limit does not apply to children in the company of a parent.
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18 - 64 years old
Over 65 years old
0 - 17 years
Arrival daySelect arrival day
Where do you want to stay?
18 - 64 years old
Over 65 years old
0 - 17 years
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At least one person in the party must be 18 years or older to stay in the accommodation. Identification is required on arrival. The age limit does not apply to children in the company of a parent.
In Vemdalen you can find cafes, pubs, restaurants and afterski bars. Several of them are featured on the White Guide's list of Sweden's best cafes, restaurants and pubs. A warm welcome to all that Vemdalen has to offer.