Before your visit
Here you will find answers to the most frequently-asked questions before your visit to Hammarbybacken. If you need any more information, please contact us and we will help you.
Yes, Hammarbybacken Café offers lunch, snacks and coffee & sweet treats. Drinks and climbing gloves will also be available to purchase up by the climbing park. Hammarbybacken also offers places where the whole family can enjoy a picnic and packed lunch outside.
Yes, there are several toilets adjacent to Hammarbybacken Café.
No, there are no changing rooms. A tip is to arrive in what you plan to wear with us.
Yes, you can buy tickets to all the attractions or print your pre-booked tickets if you so wish. You can also rent skiing aquipment for the SummerSki and buy climbing gloves, water bottles etc.
There are only a few parking areas at Hammarbybacken, but there are both larger parking areas and a parking garage in Sickla Köpkvarter.
Yes, there are opportunities to run and work out on and around the mountain. There is also an outdoor gym.
More information
Tickets and prices
Choose from single rides, clipper cards and many other variations depending on the attraction. Booking is required for all attractions, so to guarantee a spot, we recommend that you pre-book your ticket. Please note that you also have to book a time-slot for the Climbing park.
Climbing park
Together with Högt & Lågt, we have a climbing park at Hammarbybacken. The climbing park is a perfect activity for a group of friends, family or conference.
Now you have the opportunity to ski during both summer and autumn - in the middle of Stockholm. SummerSki in Hammarbybacken is an approx. 9000 m2 skiable surface in the form of artificial grass that mimics the feeling of skiing on snow.
Mountain Coaster
Experience Hammarbybacken’s slopes in SkiStar’s Mountain Coasters. Ride a coaster along an 800-metre track with a drop of around 100 metres from top to bottom.
Experience Mountain Tube
Head down the hill in a rubber ring at full speed and feel the butterflies in your stomach. Mountain Tube is a fun attraction that suits everyone in the family.
More summer activities
There are lots of activities in and around Hammarbybacken